Welcome to SCWD!

My father and his father before him were master carpenters and enjoyed everything from construction to building houses single handed. I want to follow in their footsteps.

The agenda I have is simple, I want to motivate and inspire anyone with a small garage to start creating things. Just getting tools in your hands, will teach valuable lessons in life, like patience, confidence, and a sense of accomplishment.

We moved from Southern California and now live in Northern California. I had no interest in woodworking in the early part of my adult life.  I guess you can say I was distracted.

Now, I love building things and making my ideas come to life.

I have a beautiful wife and two awesome children. I believe in God and know that he has a plan for my life. I thank Him for His grace and love in my life.

In the short time since I’ve started this journey, I can see myself thinking, acting, and doing things differently. The art of woodworking/metalworking fabrication is a precise venture. If you are off by one millimeter, the rest of your work is out of alignment. In life it’s the same, following the rules, striving for excellence, and having goals are very important.

I’m no master carpenter, but if I can strive to be half the man they were, I’ll be alright.

I don’t promise perfection, but I’m striving for excellence.

For any business inquiries, please use this contact us link.